developers' document

You can look at this:

The idea that something like an index should be unevaluated unless it 
looks like
nonsense; then you evaluate it, irks some people some time.  It is used 
in the arguments
for solve. 

If you want to learn about lambda, probably you should spend a little 
time learning some
Lisp (maybe Scheme would be better for this purpose).

John Lapeyre wrote:
>> You're right; I'll do that. I'm too used to ev, but I agree with the
>> messages that have appeared in this list discouraging its use.
>> The Maxima lambda form sounds interesting; could you please elaborate
>> more on that point? perhaps give me a brief example?
> Is there any kind of Maxima developers' document? I think
> not. Some posts regarding general development issues from
> more experienced developers are useful verbatim. I recently
> started collecting pieces of old posts, just for myself,
> because after a year I forgot so much. (eg Stavros posts on
> ?print, on part vs inpart, functions vs. expressions, etc.)
> (And what about defmfunc vs defmspec ?)
> Still making it into something even semi-organized would be a lot
> of work.
> Regards,
> John
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