Are nary and linear declaration incompatible?
(%i1) declare(h,linear);
(%o1) done
(%i2) h(3*a+2*b,c+d);
(%o2) 2 h(b, d + c) + 3 h(a, d + c)
(%i3) declare(h,nary);
(%o3) done
(%i4) h(h(a,b),h(c,d));
(%o4) h(a, b, c, d)
(%i5) h(3*a+2*b,c+d);
(%o5) h(2 b + 3 a, d + c)
Thanks in advance
Igor P
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fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguire virtute e canoscenza.
Dante, Inf. XXVI 119-120
Ye were not made to live like unto brutes,
But for pursuit of virtue and of knowledge.
(Trans. H.W. Longfellow)
I skabtes ikke for Dyr at leve, |I blev ej skabte til som dyr at leve,
men at I Dyd og Kundskab skulle foelge.|men til at foelge dyd og vinde kundskab.
(C.K.F. Molbech 1851) |(K.H. Andersen 1963)