On 4/30/10 5:57 AM, John Lapeyre wrote:
> On Friday 30 April 2010 03:29:26 Raymond Toy wrote:
>> There's function-lambda-expression, but it could return NIL.
> That looks like the best I can do.
>> This seems like a strange question. You want to call some Lisp
>> function, but you don't know how many arguments it has? Then why are
>> you calling that function to begin with?
> It comes up in the Mathematica to Macsyma translator. For instance, in Mma
> Mod[10,6]
> 4
> Mod[10,6,1] --> error, too many arguments
> Apply[Mod[#1,#2]&, {10,6,1}]
> 4
> But the Macsyma translation fails when called:
> Apply(lambda( [arg1,arg2], Mod(arg1,arg2) ),[10,6,1]);
Maybe this will work:
Apply(lambda([arg1, arg2, [more]], Mod(arg1, arg2)), [10,6,1])