maxima and clozurecl-1.5

Hello *,

In the current


Recent versions of clozurecl (former openmcl) use the program name ccl. I 
think we should change the default name, to make it easier to build maxima 
with such recent versions. As for --enable-openmcl and --with-openmcl, we 
could change them to --*-clozurecl or --*-ccl (with the corresponding 
change in the text printed by --help), I have no firm opinion which is 

clozurecl-1.5 (the current version) brought in an additional difficulty. 
Now the value of *read-default-float-format* used during the build is no 
longer saved in the image, and is wrong when maxima is started. To solve 
this problem, I replaced in src/ the line

exec "@OPENMCL_NAME@" -I "$maxima_image_base.image"  $MAXIMA_LISP_OPTIONS 
-e '(cl-user::run)'

by the line with

-e "(let\* ((\*read-default-float-format\* 'double-float)) (cl-user::run))"

Without this change, *read-default-float-format* is 'single-float after 
maxima is started, and this leads to numerous testsuite failures. With the 
above patch, clozurecl-1.5 gives 0 unexpected errors. The change makes no 
harm to earlier versions of clozurecl. I think it should be incorporated 
in maxima.
