Actually, I had the Mma behavior wrong.
flatten(expr,n) flattens levels 1 through n, which is probably
more useful. There isn't really very much to write, just add
a little bit to the existing code for flatten.
(defun $nflatten (e &optional nmax)
(cond ((eq nmax nil) ($flatten e))
((or (specrepp e) (mapatom e)) e)
(t (mcons-op-args (mop e) (nflattenl-op (margs e) (mop e) nmax 0 )))))
(defun nflattenl-op (e op nmax n)
(mapcan #'(lambda (e)
(cond ((or (eq n nmax) (mapatom e) (not (alike1 (mop e) op)))
(list e))
(t (nflattenl-op (margs e) op nmax (1+ n)))))