fatal error can't load .core for different runtime, sorry

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Joshua Stults <joshua.stults at gmail.com> wrote:

> I get the subject error after a recent package update.  I'm running
> version 5.20 packaged for Fedora 12: maxima-5.20.1-3.fc12.i686 along
> with sbcl-1.0.35-3.fc12.i686.
> When I try:
> [josh at host]$ maxima -q
> I get:
> fatal error encountered in SBCL pid 10287(tid 3084924608):
> can't load .core for different runtime, sorry

Looks like the maxima package was compiled with a different
version of SBCL than what's installed. Some random ideas.

(1) try to find out what version was used to compile Maxima,
then install that instead of what you have now.

(2) download the source rpms and use the currently installed SBCL
to rebuild the rpms, then install those. It's pretty straightforward:
download the src.rpm and first run sudo rpm -i whatever.src.rpm which
will put the maxima.spec in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS. Then edit maxima.spec
to enable SBCL and disable Clisp (the default).
Then sudo rpmbuild -bb maxima.spec, then install the resulting rpms
as usual. There are many variations on this basic story. Also I'm writing
from memory so I hope I haven't messed it up too seriously.

Hope this helps,

Robert Dodier