Can't use the result of solve() to define a function
Subject: Can't use the result of solve() to define a function
From: Takahashi Hideo2
Date: Fri, 7 May 2010 01:26:36 +0900
Hi list,
I want to do some coordinate transformation between (x,y) and (?,?)
For a simple try, I want to map a triangle (x1,y1) - (x2,y2) - (x3,y3) to
{(?,?) | ?>=0, ? >=0, ?+? <= 1}
This appears in beginner-level finite element method problems.
What I have tried is as follows.
p1:[x1,y1] $ p2:[x2,y2] $ p3:[x3,y3] $
p(?,?):=p1+?*(p2-p1)+?*(p3-p1); /* This maps from (?,?) to (x,y). I
want to make an inverse of this */
eqnx : x = p(?,?)[1];
eqny : y = p(?,?)[2];
results:solve([eqnx, eqny], [?,?]);
rhs(results[1][1]); /* This gives me what I want as the
definition of N?(x,y) */
N?(x,y) := rhs(results[1][1]); /* But this does not define a function
that I want */
I am using maxima 5.20.1 on Ubuntu Linux.
In the above specific case the mapping from (?,?) to (x,y) is linear,
so using matrices is one solution, but I also want to try out mappings that
non-linear so I want to use solve to get the inverse function.
Hideo at Yokohama