On 5/7/10 5:27 PM, Dieter Kaiser wrote:
> I get the following error in the testsuite:
> Running tests in rtest16:
> ********************** Problem 383 ***************
> Input:
> block([numer : true], is(abs(zeta(%i + 3)
> - (1.10721440843141 - .1482908671781754 %i)) <
> 1.e-15))
> Result:
> false
> This differed from the expected result:
> true
> 390/391 tests passed
> I get the following result for test:
> (%i3) abs(zeta(%i+3)- (1.10721440843141 - .1482908671781754*%i)),numer;
> (%o3) 3.3157171161039706e-9
Hmm. I know there's a problem with this test with ccl, but not sbcl.
ccl fails because (expt 2 #c(-2d0 -1d0)) is not the same as (expt 2d0
#c(-2d0 -1d0)). Perhaps sbcl fails for the same reason? I don't have
sbcl currently installed.