check if a number is rational

The predicate ratnump returns true when the input is an explicit rational number:

 (%i7) ratnump(2/3);
 (%o7) true

The function featurep is a mess. Sometimes featurep only consults
the fact database, other times it tries harder; for rational it seems
that featurep looks for expressions that were declared rational

 (%i1) featurep(x,'rational);
 (%o1) false

 (%i2) declare(x,rational);
 (%o2) done

 (%i3) ratnump(x);
 (%o3) false

 (%i4) featurep(x,'rational);
 (%o4) true

 (%i5) featurep(x + 2/3,'rational);
 (%o5) false


-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----

>Maxima at