Can Lisp Script Output be used for a CGI?

On 5/14/10, Chris Maness <chris at> wrote:

> Can a lisp script from Maxima be used to construct a CGI file to do
> calculations on a website?  This would include embedding the output of
> graphs and data.

Yes, that is certainly possible. A couple of random thoughts.

With several varieties of Lisp, you can dump a binary image.
You could launch Maxima, load your top-level function, then
dump all of that. Then run the image and tell Lisp to call your
top-level function. See:

Also you might take a look at share/contrib/maxima-server.lisp
which should be in your Maxima installation.
See the comments for some description about what it is
and what it does.

Hope this helps, and good luck.

Robert Dodier