simplifying predicates

We could convert oddp and related predicates into simplifying
functions. This change could break code. A compromise is to give oddp
(and friends) an optional argument that allows for a literal or
non-literal test; examples:

 (%i1)  declare(o,odd)$

Default is a literal test for an odd integer:

 (%i2)  oddp(o);
 (%o2)  false

Nondefault test:

 (%i3)  oddp(o, 'nonliteral);
 (%o3)  true

 (%i4)  declare(n,integer);
 (%o4)  done

 (%i5)  oddp(2*n+1,'nonliteral);
 (%o5)  true

 (%i6)  oddp(2*n+1);
 (%o6)  false

 (%i7) oddp(p,'nonliteral); 
 (%o7) oddp(p, nonliteral)

 (%i8) subst(p=%pi,%);
 (%o8) false

Good, bad, suggestions, or better alternatives? Maybe we can unify:

 (%i101) [a # b, notequal(a,b), is(notequal(a,b)), not (a = b)];
 (%o101) [a#b,notequal(a,b),unknown,true]
