I believe that the following is undesirable behaviour:
(%i1) full_listify(3/4);
(%o1) 3/4
(%i2) full_listify(rat(3/4));
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
Type-error in KERNEL::OBJECT-NOT-LIST-ERROR-HANDLER: 4 is not of type
We can fix this by changing the first condition in $full_listify to a
test for mapatoms, not just atoms:
(%i3) to_lisp();
MAXIMA> (defun $full_listify (a)
(cond (($mapatom a) a)
(($setp a) `((mlist simp) ,@(mapcar #'$full_listify (cdr a))))
(t `(,(car a) ,@(mapcar #'$full_listify (cdr a))))))
MAXIMA> (to-maxima)
(%i4) full_listify(rat(3/4));
(%o4) 3/4
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