interface for numerical integration, roots etc

> Hi John, you might be confusing form and substance. Remember that =>
> in Perl is just a fancy , operator implemented by the parser. You can

  I am not confusing them. I think form is important.

> infix("->");
> "->"(a,b) ::= buildq([a:a,b:b],['a,b]); 

  Thanks, I forgot about infix() !

  So this will work for mathematica compatibility functions:
  "->"(a,b) ::= buildq([a:a,b:b],Rule['a,b]); 

  But I don't know if it would clobber any other uses of -> if it were
  used in maxima functions.

> I would be interested in seeing a way to define a function that allows
> you to specify the argument type, e.g.
> f(x::integerp) := ...
> as you can in Maple. This was discussed a while ago, but I don't know
> what came of it.
  You can also do that in mathematica (and more). It would be useful.
