interface for numerical integration, roots etc

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 4:33 AM, John Lapeyre <pdl at> wrote:

> ?highlevelfunc(blob, [x,0,1],[y,a,b], u=v, maxiterations -> 10, eq1 -> c=d);
> ?highlevelfunc(blob, [x,0,1],[y,a,b], u=v, maxiterations => 10, eq1 => c=d);

I dunno. I don't see much value to adopting the notation from Mma
since very few people will recognize it, and, more importantly,
Mma differs from Maxima in much more fundamental ways than
syntax: it doesn't help to use the same syntax when programs are
going to work differently anyway. Same thing goes for adopting
notations from Maple or Matlab or whatever.

> ?highlevelfunc(blob, [x,0,1],[y,a,b], u=v, opts(maxiterations = 10, eq1 = c=d));
> ?highlevelfunc(blob, [x,0,1],[y,a,b], u=v, opts=[ maxiterations = 10, eq1 = c=d ]);

I think I like the last one there, although I would spell out "options".
It's also OK to omit options=[...] and just put the options at the same
level as the other arguments.


Robert Dodier