interface for numerical integration, roots etc

I agree that having a named-argument convention would be a good thing, but
think it would be a bad idea to overload equation syntax for named

I rather like using => or -> to notate mappings, whether in argument lists
or in structured objects.


On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 06:33, John Lapeyre <pdl at> wrote:

> > Consider using the Maxima function assoc along with a list argument. Then
> > you should be able to do things like
> >
> >   nintegerate(blob, x, 0, 1, method = 'trapezodial, number_panels = 42,
> ...)
> >
> > The final optional arguments can be in any order.
> I want to use the same method of passing options,
> some of which may be equations, in many
> functions, some of which have varying numbers of non-option
> arguments, some of which may be equations. In other words,
> I am looking for a generic way to pass named arguments, mixed
> with positional arguments. So these would work
>  highlevelfunc(blob, [x,0,1],[y,a,b], u=v, maxiterations -> 10, eq1 ->
> c=d);
>  highlevelfunc(blob, [x,0,1],[y,a,b], u=v, maxiterations => 10, eq1 =>
> c=d);
>  highlevelfunc(blob, [x,0,1],[y,a,b], u=v, opts(maxiterations = 10, eq1 =
> c=d));
>  highlevelfunc(blob, [x,0,1],[y,a,b], u=v, opts=[ maxiterations = 10, eq1 =
> c=d ]);
> Reading the last two lines, you have to think a little to decide
> what = means (even for the first option); It's similar to a
> listener understanding slightly more slowly when
> disambiguating a phrase. But the last two are not too bad, and
> don't rob the user of privately defining  somewhat
> popular infix operator symbols.
> Regards,
> John
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