Subject: interface for numerical integration, roots etc
From: Stavros Macrakis
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 21:40:34 -0400
Though this is interesting background, it's got to be put in the context of
what already exists. Maxima (for better or worse) uses ':' for assignment,
'=' for equations, and ':=' for function definitions.
Some other languages do use the same symbol for assignment and named
parameters, but that seems like a bad idea for an expression language like
Maxima where it is perfectly sensible and useful to have an argument which
is a literal equation or an in-line assignment. R made this decision (I
would call it a mistake), but now has <- for assignment in addition to =.
On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 17:19, John Lapeyre <pdl at> wrote:
> If it were a popularity contest, it looks like ':'
> would win. = and => are also popular. Mathematica's -> is
> not mentioned.
> From Rosetta Code
> These are either true named parameters or simulated with
> data structures. Some of the examples without true
> named parameters are conventions, a few are example implementations.
> Ada =>
> AppleScript :
> AutoHotkey =
> C++ foo(foo_params(42).x(7).z(23.54));
> Clojure :key (like lisp)
> Common lisp :key (no infix)
> E =>
> Fortran 95 =
> Haskell ' '
> J =
> JavaScript :
> Modula-3 :=
> Objective-C :
> OCaml : ~key:val (needs ~)
> Oz :
> Perl =>
> Python = (there areseveral kinds, * and ** are identifier prefixes)
> Ruby =>
> Scala =
> Scheme 'key (no infix)
> Smalltalk :
> Suneido :
> Tcl -key val
> VB :=
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