I am using find_root to solve an equation of the form f(x) -
g(x), where I take care that f() and g() are evaluated with
floats, but I still get lots of conversion messages such as
rat: replaced -302852. by -6359888/21 = -302852.
rat: replaced -302852. by -6359888/21 = -302852.
rat: replaced 1.0 by 1/1 = 1.0
rat: replaced -1.0 by -1/1 = -1.0
rat: replaced -302852. by -6359888/21 = -302852.
I get no such messages when I evaluate f() and g() on some
trial points by hand. What is causing these messages in
find_root? (And how can I eliminate them?)
Thanks for any suggestions.