Integrate Dirichlet distribution

I've been trying to evaluate sage for integration and expression 
manipulation in the context of probabilistic models. I understand it 
uses Maxima for this. After posting on the sage mailing list I was 
pointed here for further help/discussion.

My problem is that Maxima can integrate a beta distribution but not a 
Dirichlet distribution.

Here's my original post on the sage list:

As discussed I'd be willing to try to implement some aspect of this, 
assuming I'm capable enough and given a few pointers on how to start.

Here's my sage code:

a, b, c = var('a b c')
assume(a > 0)
assume(b > 0)
assume(c > 0)

# Beta
x = var('x')
beta_dist = x**(a-1) * (1 - x)**(b-1)
c = integral(beta_dist, x, 0, 1)

# Dirichlet
x_1, x_2, x_3 = var('x_1, x_2, x_3')
dirichlet_dist = x_1**(a-1) * x_2**(b-1) * (1-x_2-x_1)**(c-1)
e = integral(dirichlet_dist, x_1, 0, 1)
f = integral(e, x_2, 0, 1)

Then in my sage session I attach the code and get:
| Sage Version 4.4.2, Release Date: 2010-05-19                       |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.        |
sage: attach('')
sage: c
beta(a, b)
sage: f
integrate(x_2^(b - 1)*integrate((-x_1 - x_2 + 1)^(beta(a, b) - 1)*x_1^(a 
- 1), x_1, 0, 1), x_2, 0, 1)

Presumably it left the integrals alone because it couldn't do them. Is 
there any way to help it along?