
On Sun, 2010-06-13 at 16:42 +0900, Valery Pipin wrote:
> As it is said in the manual this option is obsolleted by [legend, '
> string']
> How to insert the greek letters then? I could not found the answer in 
> googling.
> Could you please explain how to produce the following which I did 2
> years ago?
> [ gnuplot_curve_titles, ["ti'{/Symbol=26 j}_{/Times=16 3}'",
> "ti '{/Symbol=26 j}_{/Times=16 1} ({/Symbol=20 e=0})'",
> "ti '{/Symbol=26 j}_{/Times=16 1} ({/Symbol=20 e=1})'",
> "ti '{/Symbol=26 j}_{/Times=16 2} ({/Symbol=20 e=0})'",
> "ti '{/Symbol=26 j}_{/Times=16 2} ({/Symbol=20 e=1})'"]]

Hi Valery,
the above option should work as you expect, if you replace
gnuplot_curve_titles with legend.
For instance, the following command works fine for me:

q}_{/Times=16 3})", "cos({/Symbol=26 q}_{/Times=16
3})"]],[xlabel,"{/Symbol=26 q}_{/Times=16 3}"],[psfile,"sin.eps"]);

A sin.eps Postscript file is created which has the Greek letter theta
with a subindex of 3. If that command does not work for you, please
send me a copy of the sin.eps file created in your system so I can
try to fix it.