On Mon, 2010-06-14 at 14:31 +0200, Hugo Coolens wrote:
> Here is my input-file:
> m:matrix([100,16000],[200,8000],[500,3636],[1000,1818],[2000,870],[5000,323],[10000,160],[20000,83],[50000,33],[100000,20]);
> lsquares_estimates (m, [x, y], y = sqrt(a^2 + (10e7/(2*%pi*x*b))^2),[a, b], initial=[10, 10]);
> /* => [[a = 19.2898942613692, b = 9.89381119455951]]*/
> /* b = 10 is the exact value for b.*/
> /* I'll construct the mean square error as a function of a alone*/
> /* and then plot it. */
> mse : lsquares_mse (m, [x, y], y = sqrt(a^2 + (10e7/(2*%pi*x*b))^2));
> mse1 (a) := ''(subst (b=10, mse));
> plot2d(mse1(a), [a,0,100]);
Hi Hugo,
The maxout.gnuplot file that you sent me in a private message shows that
Maxima could not evaluate mse1 numerically. It is important for us to
see how mse1(a) is being defined in your system; namely, after the above
input commands, please type:
and show us the result.
Another thing that we need to know is the output of the command: