Valery Pipin pisze:
> Hi Adam!
> Thanks a lot for advice.
>>> I'm sorry, my previous message was a bit messed.
>>> If anybody knows how to put greek letters in the legend?
>>> I presume that gnuplot interface is used.
>>> The manual says that legend accepts the string as argument.
>>> In former maxima version it was possible to use gnuplot conventions and
>>> insert untraditional characters into the legend.
>>> All the best
>>> Valery
> Look in the manual.
> In the current maxima gnuplot syntax is bit modified. In particular, keywards
> like gnuplot_curve_titles are not accepted.
> The workable example could be as follows (thanks to Jaime!)
> plot2d([sin(x),cos(x)],[x,0,2*%pi], \
> [legend,["sin({/Symbol=26 q}_{/Times=16 3})", \
> "cos({/Symbol=26 q}_{/Times=16 3})"]], \
> [xlabel,"{/Symbol=26 q}_{/Times=16 3}"],[psfile,"sin2.eps"]);
> all the best
> Valery
For me above example makes sin2.eps file but it is blank.
Have tried draw packege ?