On Tue, 2010-06-15 at 16:31 +0200, rene kaelin wrote:
> Now, I'd like to run the whole thing on a server, so that several
> users can have access to it simultaneously. Bringing the Java-Applet
> to run is no problem. But what do I have to do with Maxima? Is there a
> server-version of Maxima? (My hoster has no application server. )
You would have to install Maxima in the server, as you did in your own
computer. If the server is not yours, most surely they will not let you
install and run Maxima remotely, since it poses a very high security
risk, as has been mentioned in this thread.
If the server is yours, you should be aware of the risks and would have
to take some measures (chroot environment setting, for instance) which
are perhaps beyond your reach, since you have mentioned that you have
very little networking experience.