Yes, it returns unsimplified expressions. What I'd like to see whe I type
diff(Tr(x^2),x) is 2*Tr(x). Is there any command to perform this? Thanks
very much for your kindness and speed in the answer.
2010/6/18 Leo Butler <l.butler at>
> On Fri, 18 Jun 2010, Gianluca Malato wrote:
> < Hi all! I need to define a function named Tr(x) which is linear and I
> want it
> < to commute with derivative. For example, if I write diff(Tr(f(x)),x) I
> want
> < maxima to perform Tr(diff(f(x),x)). This must be done without using an
> < explicit defintion of the Tr function, but leaving it symbolic. I tried
> to
> < give the command assume(Tr,linear), but it doesn't work fine.
> <
> < Anyone knows how to solve this problem?
> To make Tr commute with diff try:
> matchdeclare(FN,true,VV,mapatom,TR,lambda([t],featurep(t,linear)));
> tellsimpafter('diff(TR(FN),VV),TR(diff(FN,VV)));
> Then:
> diff(Tr(f(x)),x);
> diff(Tr(x^3+2*x*z),x);
> and:
> declare(Tr,linear);
> diff(Tr(f(x)),x);
> diff(Tr(x^3+2*x*z),x);
> should return (un)simplified expressions.
> Leo
> --
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
Gianluca Malato