problem solving multiple trigonometric equations

-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----


Maxima has two alternative solve functions. I know little about one
of these, but the optional package to_poly_solver can solve trigonometric 
equations that can be converted into polynomial equations that algsys can solve.
Try this:

(%i1) load(to_poly_solver)$

(%i8) %solve([cos(x) = 1/2, sin(y) = 1/2], [x,y], 'simpfuncs = ['ratexpand]);

(%o8) %union([x=2*%pi*%z58-%pi/3,y=2*%pi*%z58+(5*%pi)/6],[x=2*%pi*%z60-%pi/3,y=2*%pi*%z60+%pi/6],[x=2*%pi*%z62+%pi/3,y=2*%pi*%z62+(5*%pi)/6],[x=2*%pi*%z64+%pi/3,y=2*%pi*%z64+%pi/6])

The user documentation for to_poly_solve is 


where ... depends on the location of your Maxima. Welcome to Maxima.
Let us know if you have questions about to_poly_solver or Maxima in
