symbolic integration

James Amundson wrote:
> On 06/26/2010 10:26 AM, Richard Fateman wrote:
>> Michel Talon wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> i have seen a web site where symbolic integration using reduction to
>>> standard forms via pattern maching is presented in a very favourable 
>>> light
>>> compared to using systematic algorithms like Risch algorithm. See
>>> This could be of interest for maxima. For example the "algebraic 
>>> function highlights" here:
>>> show very interesting examples, notably the last one (which my 
>>> version of
>>> maxima is not able to integrate at all).
>> Unfortunately, as written, Albert Rich's pattern matching program 
>> (Rubi) run on top of Mathematica.
>> It would be possible to use the MockMMA pattern matcher to run the 
>> patterns (converted automatically to Lisp).
>> I have read a huge gob of the rules into MockMMA without incident  (I 
>> had to remove excess blank lines which
>> MockMMA took to be end-of-expression markers, first).
>> However, Rubi also uses various tools in Mathematica for 
>> simplification and transformation, and perhaps there
>> is not quite an equivalent in Maxima for some of these. FullSimplify  
>> for example.
>> Assuming that we can find near equivalents of this, the 
>> rules+programs could be done for Maxima, but not trivially.
> Fascinating. I find the Rubi approach quite compelling, actually. The 
> extensibility aspect is particularly promising. I might take a stab at 
> a Maxima version if I can find the time. Have you done any work that 
> should/can be shared, or is removing the excess blank lines all that 
> needs to be done to catch up with what you have done so far?
> --Jim
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You have to have mockmma working (my original one with pattern 
matching).   Then you are caught up with what I did..