Hash tables, anyone?

On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 23:48, Richard Fateman <fateman at cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> I do not know if I am answering your question, but how about this...
> f[n,w]:=0;
> g(n,w,z) := ? ?f[n,w]: ?f[n,w]+z
> then you could ?replace ?terms of the form ?z*exp(%i*w)*x^n ? ?by
> g(n,w,z).

Thanks, that's something, but I don't think it would work for me.

I forgot to mention I also need to verify that the initial expression
was in real domain (by checking that for every [x^n, exp(%i*w*k), a +
%i*b] there's [x^n, exp(-%i*w*k), a - %i*b], and that requires the
knowledge of all x^n's and their corresponding exp's, so we are back
to the original question).

And after checking that, I need to derive another expression of the
same structure, but with different coefficients in place of
(a+%i*b)'s, and this is the goal of my problem.  I cannot derive the
desired expression from the initial one, due to it's ungroupped
