On Saturday 10 of July 2010 20:27:25 you wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Jul 2010, Zbigniew Komarnicki wrote:
> < > Is there any possibility to tell maxima to simplify above eq1 to this
> form < > e(r+1, k+1) - e(r, k+1) = C . ( x(r, k+1) - x(r+1, k+1) )
> <
> < I'm very sorry, the above should simplify to:
> < e(r+1, k) - e(r, k) = C . ( x(r, k) - x(r+1, k) )
> <
> eq : e(r+1, k+1) - e(r, k+1) = C . ( x(r, k+1) - x(r+1, k+1) );
> subst(k=k-1, eq);
I'm sorry I wrote wrong question and and got wrong answer :-)
> will do what you want. Perhaps you have a more sophisticated example
> in mind?
Yes you are right. Below I try show you what I do and what I want to obtain.
Please have look:
Here is the version for operator '*'
Declare our system equations as functions.
Note taht I use here '*' instead of '.' when
I do multiplication.
sys_x(r,k):= x(r,k) = A * x(r,k-1) + B * u(r,k-1)$
sys_y(r,k):= y(r,k) = C * x(r,k)$
Define the error equation between yREF and y, where yREF is
reference signal in ILC (Iterative Learning Control)
sys_error(r,k):= e(r,k)= yREF(k)-y(r,k)$
Calculate the error between (r+1,k+1) and (r,k+1)
diff_error: sys_error(r+1,k+1) - sys_error(r,k+1);
/* got output as:
e(r + 1, k + 1) - e(r, k + 1) = y(r, k + 1) - y(r + 1, k + 1)
Calculate output for (r, k+1) and (r+1, k+1) and assign it to y1 and y2
y1: sys_y(r, k+1);
y2: sys_y(r+1, k+1);
/* got output as:
y(r, k + 1) = x(r, k + 1) C
y(r + 1, k + 1) = x(r + 1, k + 1) C
and now insert 'y1' and 'y2' into 'diff_error' to obtain:
eq1: subst([y1, y2], diff_error);
eq1: ratsimp(eq1);
/* got output as:
e(r + 1, k + 1) - e(r, k + 1) = x(r, k + 1) C - x(r + 1, k + 1) C
e(r + 1, k + 1) - e(r, k + 1) = ( x(r, k + 1) - x(r + 1, k + 1) ) C
This last output equation 'eq1' is what I want, but note here that I obtain
some thing what is wrong from mathematical point of view, because the
operator '*' do not save the order when we do multiplication between vectors
and matrices. Below the same example but with the operator '.' and the order
then is saved as should be.
Here is the version for operator '.'
Declare our system equations as functions.
Note taht I use here '.' when I do multiplication.
sys_x(r,k):= x(r,k) = A . x(r,k-1) + B . u(r,k-1)$
sys_y(r,k):= y(r,k) = C . x(r,k)$
Define the error equation between yREF and y, where yREF is
reference signal in ILC (Iterative Learning Control)
sys_error(r,k):= e(r,k)= yREF(k)-y(r,k)$
Calculate the error between (r+1,k+1) and (r,k+1)
diff_error: sys_error(r+1,k+1) - sys_error(r,k+1);
/* got output as:
e(r + 1, k + 1) - e(r, k + 1) = y(r, k + 1) - y(r + 1, k + 1)
Calculate output for (r, k+1) and (r+1, k+1) and assign it to y1 and y2
y1: sys_y(r, k+1);
y2: sys_y(r+1, k+1);
/* got output as:
y(r, k + 1) = C . x(r, k + 1)
y(r + 1, k + 1) = C . x(r + 1, k + 1)
and now insert 'y1' and 'y2' into 'diff_error' to obtain:
eq1: subst([y1, y2], diff_error);
eq1: ratsimp(eq1);
eq1: radcan(eq1);
/* got output evry time the same:
e(r + 1, k + 1) - e(r, k + 1) = C . x(r, k + 1) - C . x(r + 1, k + 1)
e(r + 1, k + 1) - e(r, k + 1) = C . x(r, k + 1) - C . x(r + 1, k + 1)
e(r + 1, k + 1) - e(r, k + 1) = C . x(r, k + 1) - C . x(r + 1, k + 1)
How I can simplify the 'eq1' to this form:
e(r+1, k+1)-e(r,k+1) = C . ( x(r, k+1)-x(r+1, k+1) )
Is this possible in maxima ?
I also have loo on these:
dot, dot0nscsimp, dot0simp, dot1simp, dotassoc, dotconstrules,
dotdistrib, dotexptsimp, dotident, dotscrules
but without any succes to the last equation.
Of course, I have much more complicated system. Here I only show very
simple exammple of such systems.
Thank you in advance.
> Leo