assign numerical value from a previous line

On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 10:39 AM, William Porter
<wmporter.omegapar at> wrote:

> x = - 10.0 assign %phi[1] : -x/(2*d) ?????? result should be %phi[1] : -10.0
> x = 10.0 assign %phi[3] : -x/(2*d)????????? result should be %phi[2] : 10.0

You could try

L : [x = a, x = b];

foo1 : ev (-x/(2*d), L[1]);
foo2 : ev (-x/(2*d), L[2]);

ev(whatever, x = something) means to evaluate whatever
with x bound to something.

ev is in general something of a mess, since several disparate
functionalities have been mashed together to produce the
chimera we see today, but this aspect (evaluate in a special
environment) seems as legitimate a use as any.


Robert Dodier