draw_graph options

Marco Rofei escribi?:
>> draw2d(
>>     fill_color=yellow,
>>     map(lambda([f], polygon(map(lambda([v], assoc(v, pos)), f))), 
>> faces_6),
>>     fill_color=blue,
>>     map(lambda([f], polygon(map(lambda([v], assoc(v, pos)), f))), 
>> faces_5),
>>     draw_graph(c60, edge_width=2, vertex_size=0, transform=true))$
> With this code I got an error..
> /draw: item errexp1 is not recognized/
> where is the problem?


the code works in cvs Maxima, but not in Maxima 5.21. If you don't want 
to wait for Maxima 5.22, just download the latest versions of files 
"draw.lisp" and "worldmap.mac" from


and copy them into your "share/draw" folder. After that, execute


and run the script again.


PD: Even if you don't need package worlmap, update it since some changes 
in draw.lisp are related to worldmap. In doing so, you will override 
possible incompatibilities.