Apparently csign (and sign) temporarily place facts in the fact database, but
the temporary facts aren't removed immediately. An example:
A simple-minded function that calls csign:
(%i1) possible_singular_pts(e) := block([inflag : true],
e : factor(e),
if mapatom(e) then set()
else if op(e) = "^" and csign(second(e)) # 'pos and not constantp(first(e)) then set(first(e))
else xreduce('union, map('possible_singular_pts, args(e))))$
Some tests:
(%i2) e : integrate(exp(a^2*x^2+b*x),x)$
All is well:
(%i3) possible_singular_pts(e);
(%o3) {a}
(%i4) facts(a);
(%o4) []
Same calculation, but inside a function larry:
(%i5) larry(e) := (possible_singular_pts(e), facts(a))$
After the call to possible_singular_pts, notequal(a,0) is still in the fact database:
(%i6) larry(e);
(%o6) [notequal(a,0)]
But after larry exits, notequal(a,0) isn't in the fact database:
(%i7) facts(a);
(%o7) []
It's not difficult to workaround this (putative) bug, but it make me :(