On July 17, 2010, Adam Majewski wrote:
I see small difference between "maxima by example" ( which is a great
source of informations) :
In mbe2plotfit.pdf there is :
[gnuplot_preamble,"set title 'Two Functions';"])$
It do not work for me.
I must use :
my_preamble:"set title 'Apollonian Gasket";
I mean without last ' sign and without ; sign
(%i43) build_info()$
Maxima version: 5.20.1
Maxima build date: 8:52 2/16/2010
Host type: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Lisp implementation type: GNU Common Lisp (GCL)
Lisp implementation version: GCL 2.6.7
-------------------------------Hi Adam, I'm back from a long computerless
vacation and readingmy mail. I have used version 5.21.1Maxima version:
5.21.1Maxima build date: 8:13 4/26/2010Host type: i686-pc-mingw32Lisp
implementation type: GNU Common Lisp (GCL)Lisp implementation version: GCL
2.6.8(ie using windows xp binary)and the syntax on page 15 of
mbe2plotfit.pdf still works forme:(%i1) plot2d([ u*sin(u),cos(u)],[u,-4,4]
,[x,-8,8], [style,[lines,5]], [gnuplot_preamble,"set
grid; set key bottom center; set title 'Two Functions';"])$
I tried leaving out the set grid and set key parts, asin(%i2) plot2d([
u*sin(u),cos(u)],[u,-4,4] ,[x,-8,8], [style,[lines,5]],
[gnuplot_preamble,"set title 'Two Functions';"])$ and again I get
the plot title correctly.I tried your assignment;(%i3) my_preamble : "set
title 'TWO FUNCTIONS";(%o3) set title 'TWO
FUNCTIONS(%i4) plot2d([ u*sin(u),cos(u)],[u,-4,4] ,[x,-8,8],
[style,[lines,5]])$ and got a plot without the title. Where are
you gettingthe syntax involving "my_preamble" and am I using
itcorrectly??Perhaps the reason for your result is your operating systemand
a different lisp version (??) but I have not triedto check the syntax in
maxima by example on any operatingsystem except windows xp (someday I will
have to migrateto the new windows operating system).I do not have a linux
etc controlled computer around tocheck the syntax, even if I wanted to.Some
chapters of maxima by example are in dire need of updatesreflecting changes
to Maxima, but I have been spending enormousamounts of time on my dirac
algebra package with examples fromquantum electrodynamics, which will be the
subject of ch. 12.Best Wishes,Ted Woollett