write_data spends too much time to create file.

I have checked on a 32 bit Slackware, the above bug is present.

(%i4) write_data(new,"new.dat");
Evaluation took 0.9519 seconds (52.9844 elapsed) using 2.362 MB.
(%o4)                                done

(%i5) build_info();

Maxima version: 5.21.1
Maxima build date: 19:23 6/16/2010
Host type: i486-slackware-linux-gnu
Lisp implementation type: CLISP
Lisp implementation version: 2.48 (2009-07-28) (built 3481838619)
(memory 3485697798)

I have a newer version of CLISP than Alejandro. Maybe we should file a
bug report to the CLISP developers community... it could be nice to
have a translated lisp version of the above function that writes data.


2010/8/3 Leo Butler <l.butler at ed.ac.uk>:
> On Mon, 2 Aug 2010, Alejandro Morales wrote:
> < Dear Leo:
> < Here the results of your suggestion:
> <
> < %i1) showtime:true $
> < Evaluation took 0.0000 seconds (0.0000 elapsed) using 32 bytes.
> < (%i2) array(new,1000,1) $
> < Evaluation took 0.0000 seconds (0.0000 elapsed) using 8.164 KB.
> < (%i3) for a:0 thru 1000 step 1 do (new[a,0]:a,new[a,1]:a+1) $
> < Evaluation took 0.0100 seconds (0.0100 elapsed) using 579.039 KB.
> < (%i4) write_data(new,"new.dat");
> < Evaluation took 0.1100 seconds (0.1100 elapsed) using 7.901 MB.
> <
> < %i5) build_info();
> <
> < Maxima version: 5.21.1
> < Maxima build date: 21:4 7/30/2010
> < Host type: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
> < Lisp implementation type: CMU Common Lisp
> < Lisp implementation version: Snapshot 2010-07 (20A Unicode)
> <
> < Thank you very much.
> < Morales
> Hi,
> Perhaps you should file a bug report about this on the
> debian or ubuntu (or whatever your distro is) clisp package.
> write_data is a pretty straightforward lisp function,
> so it seems likely that there is a bug in the 64bit build of clisp.
> Leo
> --
> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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