identifying frontend

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 1:52 PM, Mario Rodriguez <biomates at> wrote:
> Hello,
>> Is there a standard way to write code so that one can later identify if it
>> was
>> loaded or not (e.g. like declaring a package name)?
> In some packages, we write something as
> put('mypackage, 1, 'version) $
> Later, when we want to know if 'mypackage was loaded, we call funtion 'get.
> For example, if we don't want to re-load a package ?which was already
> loaded:
> if not get('mypackage,'version) then load("mypackage") $

The same also holds for wxmaxima: get('wxmaxima, 'version) can be used
to check if you are using wxmaxima.
