A note on package draw


For those who might be interested, this is the list of new features and 
changes made in package draw.

* Graphic object 'mesh' has been renamed as 'elevation_grid'. And a new 
object 'mesh' was created to build arbitrary surfaces in 3d based on 
quadrilateral meshes. It is well known that Gnuplot is not a tool for 3d 
modeling, but new 'mesh' object tries to fill this gap somehow. See 
examples here:

* With new option 'transform', it is possible to translate, rotate, 
scale and make other space transformations, both in 2d and 3d:

* Syntax for option 'enhanced3d' has been extended, keeping 
compatibility with previous versions. This change gives programmers more 
flexibility for coloring surfaces:

* Support for terminal SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).

* draw functions now accept lists of options and graphic objects. That 
is, once defined
a : [color = red, terminal=svg] $
b : surface_hide = true $
c : [mesh([[1,0,0],[0,1,0]],[[0,0,1],[0,0,1]])] $

instead of: apply('draw3d, append(a, [b], c)) $
we can write: draw3d(a,b,c) $

Hope you'll find this useful.
