Expressions with exploding factors

Maxima's bfloat numbers can get extremely large.  You can input them using
'b' instead of 'e' for the power of 10.  Thus 1b3 represents 1000.
 Subsequent computations on them use big-float arithmetic.

Maxima has no problem with 2^(2^2000) evaluated as a bfloat, for example.
 In the output below, I have highlighted the exponent (the power of 10).

=> 3.954321263044257b

Division of large numbers is not a problem:

Evaluation took 0.3700 seconds (0.3700 elapsed)
(%o12) 6.238417023051269b

But be careful about preserving accuracy when dealing with approximate
(floating-point) numbers in general -- not just very large ones.  For
example, the exact value of (10^20-1)/(10^20+1)-1
is -2/100000000000000000001, but the default precision bfloat result is 0:
(10b0^20-1)/(10b0^20+1)-1 => 0.0b0.

What you want to search for is information on "numerical analysis",
"floating-point calculation", etc.  One good place to look is Prof. Kahan's
homepage <>;.  Though a lot of it is quite
advanced, there is also a lot of good introductory material.  Depending on
your interests, you might want to look at "What Every Computer Scientist
Should Know about

Hope this helps.


On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 12:22, Bastiaan Bergman <Bastiaan.Bergman at>wrote:

>  Dear group,
> I want to numerically evaluate an expression obtained by Maxima (or any
> other CAS for that matter). Doing that I frequently hit on an expression
> that cannot be evaluated because it involves parts with extremely big
> numbers. What is the general approach to solve such problem? Is there a
> branch of science working on such problems, how is that called (what do I
> Google)?
> E.g.:
> Exp: (sinh(f1(x))+cosh(f2(x)))/(sinh(f3(x))*cosh(f4(x)))
> Numerical evaluation involves division of extremely big numbers, that, if
> it could be done, gives the correct output. However, numbers quickly get too
> big for any reasonable x to be practically possible.
> Best regards,
> Bastiaan.
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