Solve for diff(e2, x, 1) after x and d have been reassigned new values after e4 at e5.

I'm still not sure what you are trying to do, but maybe something like the following will help you
get started:

 (%i21) depends(y,[x,d])$
 (%i22) x^2+d*y*4+d^2*(-4)$
 (%i23) first(solve(x^2+d*y*4+d^2*(-4),y));
 (%o23) y=-(x^2-4*d^2)/(4*d)

 (%i24) map(lambda([s], at(s, [x=50, d=25])),[diff(%,x), diff(%,d)]);
 (%o24) [at('diff(y,x,1),[x=50,d=25])=-1,at('diff(y,d,1),[x=50,d=25])=2]

Maybe more simple:

 (%i1) x^2+d*y*4+d^2*(-4)$

 (%i2) rhs(first(solve(x^2+d*y*4+d^2*(-4),y)));
 (%o2) -(x^2-4*d^2)/(4*d)

 (%i3) subst([x=50, d=25],[diff(%,x), diff(%,d)]);
 (%o3) [-1,2]


-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----

>wporter at
>Maxima at