SPAM in tracker

On Fri, 20 Aug 2010, Raymond Toy wrote:

<  On 8/20/10 5:15 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:
< > OK, I've disabled anonymous posts for the Maxima trackers
< > (bugs, support requests, patches, and feature requests).
< An unfortunate action since it raises the bar for people to submit bug
< reports easily.
< But I also don't know of any other way to prevent this, and I am quite
< annoyed by the messages, especially the ones that go on existing, valid
< bug reports.
One solution would be to create a user account 'maxima-bugs' or some
such with a one-time password on the bugs page. This would cut 90-99% of the
automated spam. I've poked around on sourceforge to see if there is a
way to create such an account which is owned by the project manager(s), but
I can't find one.

If such a feature really does not exist, perhaps it is a good idea to put
in a support request to sourceforge?


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