On Tue, 2010-08-24 at 09:39 -0700, kmcke10671 at earthlink.net wrote:
> I need to print plotdf graphs for a differential class I am taking. I
> have tried ghostscript-8.64.tar.bz2 along with gsview, but have not
> been able to open those files. Can somebody help???
That's strange. Plotdf's postscript is generated by Tcl/Tk, which
creates a very standard Postscript code. I've never had problems with
any version of Ghostscript. Are you sure you have the ghostscript
standard fonts installed?
You can send me a copy of the Postscript files you cannot print (in a
private mail; no need to send it to the list) so I can try to figure out
where the problem is.
Best regards,