> On 8/24/2010 12:13 PM, Piotr S?omski wrote:
>> Hello.
>> The sorting problem.
>> We have a product of terms s[i,j] eg:
>> s[3,2] . s[2,2] . s[2,1] . s[3,3]
>> I use dot product because I need reorder this terms using my own rules.
>> And the rules are such that terms should be sorted by first index
but order of second index must be intact.
>> So above product after sorting shoul look like:
>> s[2,2] . s[2,1] . s[3,2] . s[3,3]
>> I wrote some code using examples from this forum:
>> greaterthan(i,j):=integerp(j) and is(i>j)$
>> matchdeclare([ii,jj],integerp)$
>> matchdeclare(i,integerp,j,greaterthan(i))$
>> tellsimp(s[i,ii].s[j,jj],s[j,jj].s[i,ii])$
> You have written a rule that deal only with dot products of 2 items.
> You need a rule or rules that work for any number of terms.
> Note that a.b.c is the same as
> "."(a,b,c). A function of 3 arguments.
> I suggest that you do this...
> K: s[3,2] . s[2,2] . s[2,1] . s[3,3]
> L: subst("[",".", K);
> sort(L, lambda([p,q], is (inpart(p,1)< inpart(q,1))));
> subst(".", "[", %).
> of course there is not much reason to use "." here. You could just
use lists.
> Pattern matching is not very useful for functions of arbitrary
numbers of variables
> in Maxima.
Thanx for replay.
Now suppose I have sorted some product, say s[2,2] . s[2,1] . s[3,2] .
s[3,3] and I need to apply following rules to it:
tellsimp(s[k,1].s[k,2],( %i*s[k,3]))$
tellsimp(s[k,2].s[k,3],( %i*s[k,1]))$
tellsimp(s[k,3].s[k,1],( %i*s[k,2]))$
(btw these are rules for multiplying Pauli matrices).
But I run into the same problem. Only 2 rightmost terms are taken.
s[2,2] . s[2,1] . s[3,2] . s[3,3] turns to %i*(s[2,2] . s[2,1] . s[3,1])
I found that adding
forces Maxima to work for three rightmost term in the product.
I'd be happy to construct a rule that work for 4 terms also.
Piotr Slomski