You could try to_poly_solver:
eq: 2*cos(x)^2*x0-2*sin(x)*cos(x)*y0=x0$
sol: %solve(eq,x)
%union(%if(%or(%i*y0-x0 # 0,%i*y0+x0 = 0),
[x = -(%i*log(%i*y0/(%i*y0+x0)-x0/(%i*y0+x0))-4*%pi*%z8)/4],
%if(%or(%i*y0-x0 # 0,%i*y0+x0 = 0),
[x = -(%i*log(-sqrt(%i*y0/(%i*y0+x0)-x0/(%i*y0+x0)))
which looks a bit daunting, but if you pull out the kernels e.g. k1:
part(sol,1,2,1,2) and change to trigonometric form using
ratsimp(rectform(k1)), you get
which isn't so bad, though Maxima should be able to simplify that to
If you want only the base solution, you can set the parameter %z8 to 0 and
There are some improvements we should make to Maxima to make all this less
painful, namely to do a better job of simplifying atan2 and to have rectform
understand %union and %if, but it does manage to solve the problem....
The user documentation for to_poly_solve is
where ... depends on the location of your Maxima.
Hope this helps,