Trigonometric equations

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 11:01 AM, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:

> ?(1) "topoly_solver.mac" should be deleted from CVS (I'm not sure I know
> how),

Takes 2 cvs commands to remove a file (cvs rm isn't enough, need to
commit afterwards).

cvs rm offending.lisp
cvs ci -m'Be gone.' offending.lisp

> ?(2) the share makefile should ignore "topoly_solver.mac",


> ?(3) "topoly_solver.mac" should be converted into a stub for loading
> "to_poly_solver.mac".

I'm against it. There's enough cruft floating around as it stands,
let's not make it worse.


Robert Dodier