Note that hipow is purely syntactic -- it looks for the highest *explicit*
power of x in the expression:
hipow((x^2-1)*(x-1),x) => 2 (not 3)
hipow((x^2-1)/(x-1),x) => 2 (not 1)
You may want to expand your expression with 'rat' first:
hipow(rat((x^2-1)*(x-1)),x) => 3
hipow(rat((x^2-1)/(x-1)),x) => 1
If your expression is in fact not a polynomial, you might be surprised by
the results, though they are correct by the syntactic definition:
hipow(1/x,x) => -1 (Maxima treats 1/x as x^(-1) )
hipow(1/(x^2-1),x); => 2 (not -2)
hipow(sin(x^2),x); => 2
Welcome to Maxima!
On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 02:51, Jean Pellegri <jean.pellegri at> wrote:
> Salut
> hipow(<expr>,<x>)
> jean
> *De :* maxima-bounces at [mailto:
> maxima-bounces at] *De la part de* Hiren Maharaj
> *Envoy? :* dimanche 5 septembre 2010 02:04
> *? :* maxima at
> *Objet :* Re: [Maxima] degree of a polynomial
> Hello,
> Sorry for asking a potentially dumb question: what command do I use to
> access the degree of a polynomial in maxima. I search everwhere and can't
> find one.
> Thanks,
> Hiren
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