On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 12:42 PM, Marek Pietrow <mrk at kft.umcs.lublin.pl> wrote:
> matchdeclare ([s1, s2], constantp, [t1, t2], lambda ([e], not constantp
> (e)));
> defrule (r13, A (s1*t1, s2*t2), s1*s2 * A (t1, t2));
> wyr:A(s1*t1,s2*t2);
> apply1(wyr,r13);
> If yes, it seems to not work. Either for wyr:A(s1*t1,s2*t2); nor for
> wyr:A(s1*t1(a),s2*t2(a));
Try it with your previous expression, in which C1 and C2 were
declared constants.
Robert Dodier