More documentation of Maxima internals

Because we do not have a technical documentation of Maxima internals, I
have started to write some documentations of functions I have worked on.
The following examples try to document the functions PLS, ADDK, EXPTA,
and EXPTB in simp.lisp. I have taken the Common Lisp HyperSpec as a
guide to document the functions.

I am interested to add the documentations to the project. We might add
it to the Lisp files (the documentation might be to verbose) or we start
to add a technical documentation in a TEXI format.

Opinions or suggestions?

Dieter Kaiser

;;; PLS
;;; Arguments and values:
;;;   x      - a Maxima expression or an atom
;;;   out    - a form ((mplus) <number> term1 term2 ...) or NIL
;;;   result - a form ((mplus) <number> term1 ...), where x is added in.
;;; Description:
;;;   Adds the argument x into the form out. If out is NIL a form
;;;   ((mplus) 0 x) is initialized, if x is an expression or a symbol,
;;;   or ((mplus) x), if x is a number. Numbers are added to the first
;;;   term <number> of the form. Any other symbol or expression is added
;;;   into the canonical ordered list of arguments. The result is in a
;;;   canonical order, but it is not a valid Maxima expression. To get a
;;;   valid Maxima expression the result has to be checked with the
;;;   function TESTP. This is done by the calling routine SIMPLUS.
;;; Examples:
;;;   (pls 2 nil) -> ((MPLUS) 2)
;;;   (pls '$A nil) -> ((MPLUS) 0 $A)
;;;   (pls '$B '((mplus) 0 $A)) -> ((MPLUS) 0 $A $B)
;;;   (pls '$A '((mplus) 0 $A)) -> ((MPLUS) 0 ((MTIMES SIMP) 2 $A))
;;; Examples with the option variables $NUMER and $NEGDISTRIB:
;;;   (let (($numer t)) (pls '$%e nil)) -> ((MPLUS) 2.718281828459045)
;;;   (let (($negdistrib t)) (pls '((mtimes) -1 ((mplus) $A $B)) nil))
;;;           -> ((MPLUS) 0 ((MTIMES SIMP) -1 $A) ((MTIMES SIMP) -1 $B))
;;;   (let (($negdistrib nil)) (pls '((mtimes) -1 ((mplus) $A $B)) nil))
;;;           -> ((MPLUS) 0 ((MTIMES) -1 ((MPLUS) $A $B)))
;;; Affected by;
;;;   The option variables $NUMER and $NEGDISTRIB.
;;; See also:
;;;   PLUSIN and ADDK which are called from PLS and SIMPLUS.
;;; Notes:
;;;   To add an expression into the list (cdr out), the list is passed
;;;   to the routine PLUSIN as an argument. PLUSIN adds the argument to
;;;   the list of terms by modifying the list (cdr out) destructively.
;;;   The new value of out is returned as a result by PLS.
;;; ADDK
;;; Arguments and result:
;;;   xx     - a Maxima number
;;;   yy     - a Maxima number
;;;   result - a simplified Maxima number
;;; Description:
;;;   Adds two Maxima numbers and returns a simplified Maxima number.
;;;   ADDK can be called in Lisp code, whenever the arguments are valid
;;;   Maxima numbers, these are integer, float, Maxima rational, or
;;;   Maxima bigfloat numbers. The arguments must not be simplified. The
;;;   precision of a bigfloat result depends on the setting of the
;;;   global variable $FPPREC. If the option variable $FlOAT is T, a
;;;   Maxima rational as a result is converted to a float number.
;;; Examples:
;;;   (addk 2 3) -> 5
;;;   (addk 2.0 3) -> 5.0
;;;   (addk ($bfloat 2) 3)-> ((BIGFLOAT SIMP 56) 45035996273704960 3)
;;;   (addk 2 '((rat) 1 2)) -> ((RAT SIMP) 5 2)
;;;   (let (($float t)) (addk 2 '((rat) 1 2))) -> 2.5
;;; Affected by:
;;;   The option variables $FLOAT and $FPPREC.
;;; See also:
;;;   TIMESK to multiply and EXPTRL to exponentiate two Maxima numbers.
;;; Notes:
;;;   The routine works for Lisp rational and Lisp complex numbers too.
;;;   This feature is not used in Maxima code. If Lisp complex and
;;;   rational numbers are mixed with Maxima rational or bigfloat
;;;   numbers the result is wrong or a Lisp error is generated.
;;; Arguments and result:
;;;   x      - a Maxima number
;;;   y      - an integer number
;;;   result - a simplified Maxima number
;;; Description:
;;;   Computes x^y, where x is Maxima number and y an integer. The 
;;;   result is a simplified Maxima number.
;;; Affected by:
;;;   The option variables $FLOAT and $FPPREC.
;;; Notes:
;;;   This routine is not used within the simplifier. There is only one 
;;;   call from the file hayat.lisp. This call can be replaced with a
;;;   call of the function power.
;;; Arguments and values:
;;;   a      - a float or integer number
;;;   b      - an integer number
;;;   result - a simplified Maxima number
;;; Description:
;;;   Computes a^b, where a is a float or an integer number and b is an 
;;;   integer number. The result is an integer, float, or Maxima
;;;   rational number.
;;; Examples:
;;;   (exptb 3 2)   -> 9
;;;   (exptb 3.0 2) -> 9.0
;;;   (exptb 3 -2)  -> ((RAT SiMP) 1 9)
;;;   (let (($float t)) (exptb 3 -2)) -> 0.1111111111111111
;;; Affected by:
;;;   The option variable $FLOAT.
;;; Notes:
;;;   EXPTB calls the Lisp functions EXP or EXPT to compute the result.