find_root with bfloats

 On 9/25/10 5:16 PM, Kostas Oikonomou wrote:
> Robert, Ray, thank you.  I don't have a good sense of which approach
> is simpler or better.  Ray, let me know what you decide.
As the author of the bigfloat package, I'm biased.  But, as you can see,
I barely made any changes to find-root-subr, so it does make it easier
to convert existing double-float routines to handle bigfloats.  The
difficult parts are usually in figuring out when to convert to and from
the bigfloat representation to maxima's internal bfloat representation.

But here is my quick attempt at bf_find_root.  I'm pretty sure there are
bugs here, but the couple of examples I tried work:





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