More documentation of Maxima internals

-----maxima-bounces at wrote: -----

>Also,?my?personal?wish-list?item?would?be?to?have?docstrings?for?the functions.???

It might be useful to have a template for docstrings and standard abbreviations 
for displaying a function prototype: for example
 expr = expression in general or cre form,
 cre = cre expression,
 cdr-cre = the cdr of a cre expression,

If the docstring includes the source file, maybe that should be placed in a
standard place. Also, for grumpy programmers, maybe we should allow at most
one sentence for grumpy comments :). Example:

(defmfun infsimp (e)
  "(src/simp) defmfun infsimp(expr) --> {expr, nil) uses extended real arithmetic to simplify expr.
   For some indeterminate forms, infsimp returns $und, but for others (example minf/inf), infsimp returns nil."

  (let ((x ($expand e 1 1)))

