Marco Rofei a ?crit :
>> draw doesn't provide such a function. As far as I can say, you have to
>> order the vertices by hand or write your own function (a convex hull
>> algorithm?)
> What is "convex hull" algorithm?
The convex hull of a finite set of points (P_i) is the smallest convex
set containing these points. It is a convex polygon whose vertices are
some of the P_i's. The problem is to find which ones, and to order them
clockwise (or anticlockwise).
If you know in advance that all P_i's are vertices of the convex hull,
one way to find the order is this :
- take one of your points, say P_0 as reference point
- order the P_i's according to the angle between horizontal and vector
P_0P_i (that means P_i<P_j iff P_j is on the left of vector P_0P_i,
very simple equation between their coordinates). Use distance from P_0
to treat the case of equality.
In the general case you have to modify this algorithm to exclude some
"inner" points.
For example see
The complexity of the algorithm is the same as complexity of sorting : n
ln(n). It is much harder in higher dimensions (useful to draw polyhedra
for instance).