maxima for theoretical physics

Dear Sirs,

I am Maurizio De Sanctis, Associate Professor of Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 
Departamento de F?sica Sede Bogot?; I have been Researcher of INFN, Rome Italy, 
until July 2008.
I wrote you some days ago (September 24) from my personal e-mail address but I did not 
receive an answer with the moderator's decision. 
(See a copy of those messages in the attachment)
What shall I do to get an answer?

Probably my previous  message  was not sufficiently clear and I did not properly inform you about my position and activities. I apologyze and pass  to my questions.

My research activities are mainly focussed on theoretical models of hadronic particles.
I am working on this subject, with some students, in the framework of the 
Fields and Particles  research group of the Physics Department.
Two months ago I  started to use Maxima for my calculations. I think that it
really represents a very important tool for my research and teaching activity
of the Physics Department to which I belong.

The questions are:

1) Does it exist (and can you send me) a package of routines about  
Angular Momentum Algebra in Quantum Mechanics ? As a reference, this subject has been widely developed in the standard book by Edmonds, Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics. A number of tedious but conceptually straightforward calculations are usually required. 
Maxima seems the best tool to perform efficiently these calculations. 
At least, is there a routine for the Clebsch-Gordan (or Wigner 3j) coefficients?

2) Up to now I am running my (short) Maxima programs on my PC (with Windows XP). 
I would like to install Maxima in the computer of the Physics Department. 
This computer uses a LINUX OS. The system manager found some difficulties in the
installing procedure. Can you give use some suggestions about this point ?

Many thanks and best regards

Maurizio De Sanctis

Associate Professor, Physics Department
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Bogot?
Bogot? Colombia
tel. ++571 316 5000 ext. 13051
fax. ++571 3165135

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