Am Montag, den 04.10.2010, 18:38 +0200 schrieb Bruno Torremans:
Helle Bruno,
I have not looked through your posting in detail, but I think the
problem might be due to an error I have introduced unfortunately between
Maxima 5.21 and Maxima 5.22.
If I am right and this error is the problem you have to load the
following code in Maxima to get the expected behavior:
(defun depends (e x &aux l)
(setq e (specrepcheck e))
(cond ((alike1 e x) t)
((mnump e) nil)
((and (symbolp e) (setq l (mget e 'depends)))
;; Go recursively through the list of dependencies.
;; This code detects indirect dependencies like a(x) and x(t).
(dependsl l x))
((atom e) nil)
(t (or (depends (caar e) x)
(dependsl (cdr e) x)))))
If you have problems to load this patch, please send an email to the
list again and I will give more help.
By the way, it is much better to give only one short example, which I
can cut out from the bug report and insert directly in my Maxima
session. I suppose the patch from above will solve the problem, but at
the moment I have not enough time to figure out a good test case from
the reported examples.
Dieter Kaiser