On 10/17/10, Lon H Mitchell <lmitchell2 at vcu.edu> wrote:
> That behavior is the same as what I get from LON-CAPA, which evidently
> (http://www.lon-capa.org/maximaasserver.html) uses Maxima 5.9.1.
Well, 5.9.1 is pretty old at this point. Many bugs have been
fixed and many features have been added or improved.
I don't know if it's under your control but maybe the Maxima
version can be updated.
> Using 5.22.1 at home, I still get different results from tex(expr,false) under
> display2d:true and display2d:false, but they do not replicate the posted
> example. On 5.22.1, any interface, I get
> (%i1) display2d:false$tex(x^2,false);
> (%o2) "$$x^2$$\
> "
The presence of the backslash is actually a minor bug;
the string has an embedded newline (which is no problem)
and the right way to display that is to just continue the
string on the next line (sans backslash). With a backslash,
it negates the newline and the next line is pasted onto the
preceding one. If anybody wants to look at it, I think
MSIZE-ATOM is the culprit.
I don't know what's easiest for LON-CAPA to work with.
There is now a command line option --very-quiet which
suppresses the start-up banner and line labels.
If you explain what you're trying to do, maybe we can
work out something.
Robert Dodier